Why Cid’ah’? – our spelling of cider echoes the locality of our native yeast strains. While other cider makers pitch foreign yeasts, any UFF product with the cidah label is fermented with 100% wild Maine yeast.

Our farmhouse-style cidah follows in the footsteps left by farmers from the pre-prohibition era. Dependent on their autumnal yields, their pressed apples were loaded into barrels in the fall and fermented over the cold months, allowing for the wild yeasts to feast on the apple’s sugars until it became tart and crisp.

Our work is to further that tradition by standing behind the belief that hard cidah tastes best when dry, not sickly sweet. We rely on and respect the wild yeasts and sugars that come with our Maine apples, leaving sulfites – compounds that kill natural, wild yeast – out of our cidah. The process takes approximately two months and results in a bright, near sugarless cidah that tastes as sharp as you’ll feel the morning after you indulge.

Visit our Portland Tasting Room to sample our seasonal and experimental flavors and find our most popular cidah by the can.

  • Super Dry Cidah

    Super Dry Cidah is our flagship cidah. Wild fermented with Maine dessert fruit, our Super Dry Cidah provides the base for our entire cidah line.

  • Blueberry Cidah

    Only Maine organic blueberries were used in this cidah, providing tarter notes than our other offerings.

  • Seaweed Cidah

    Seaweed Cidah is made from all local dulse and sea lettuce, a very unique cider with notes of the sea.

  • Hopped Cidah

    Dry conditioned with cascade hops, this dry cidah packs a healthy amount of citrus notes in every can.